I don't know about you, but I always LOVE the New Year. In the past I would use today, December 31, to:
Sound familiar?
Invariably, I would find that in a month or two, "my plan" was off track, be it weight loss, financial goals, etc. I always thought, there has to be a better way! Last year, I tried this instead, and it worked! All but one goal (end result) was achieved!!!!! And, in retrospect, I now see where I can make it 100% this year, by improving how I describe that goal. So, if don't want to have to repeat your New Year's Resolutions next year, try this alternative:
for what your life is today... just as it is. For what our life is today, no matter what, is exactly what we need. Because of where we are today, we have been "prepared" for more.
what you want in terms of a broad end result (Such as Health, Abundance, Joy). Call it a vision, an intention, whatever. What end result do you want? What do you want your life to look like a year from now? Describe it in BROAD terms. I know we were told somewhere to be specific, but I can tell you that doesn't work. If you want more money, don't put a dollar amount out there, put ABUNDANCE. Most importantly, don't worry about the hows, or even the plan to get there. (I realize how difficult that can be...I used to be an obsessive
planner too!) KNOW that what you want is ALREADY yours in spirit, by divine LAW. Just focus on the certainty of this ownership, understand it, claim it, and "it will be on earth, as it is in heaven (spirit)."
He does so by sending us inspirations, or gentle nudgings. They are not big red flashing lights by the way. Listen for them. They are like whispers. "Go this way. Take that path. Try this." Little impulses and whispers that appear as you open yourself up to do HIS will.
Don't let another year escape without having taken steps, real action, regardless of how big or how small, towards what it is you want. You have inspiration (God nudging you towards your dream) by the way. NOW DO SOMETHING!!!! Take inspired action. Don't worry that your first steps seem silly or futile. And if you don't know what to do, do something!
Go! Get busy! Do not insist on your "perception" of success, only focus on the end result. Move toward the end result, in whatever baby steps you are able to take. But take action.
And, please understand...in the first month, it will not feel like you're getting there. TRUST ME. It won't look, at first, like those results are in sight. If that happens (and it will), go back to #1 and repeat the process. Give thanks for where you are. Remind yourself of what your end result is, open yourself up to receive the whispers and inspiration from God. If they don't come, then keep listening and wait. That of course, is the hard part, at least for me. Sometimes, we are asked to wait. If no whispers or inspirations are coming. Wait. Keep listening. Soon, you'll be guided to take a new baby step. Again, it won't look like how you imagined (that's why the freaking planning thing doesn't work by the way!). But, it will look like what God planned, and in the end, you'll find you have reached your end result/vision.
That speeds up the process, by the way.
With the soulfulness of Wayne Dyer and the entrepreneurial spirit of Richard Branson, Terri is a world-class business growth expert, social impact investor, and serial entrepreneur whose purpose is to inspire potential. With her own money, Terri built a portfolio of purposeful companies, Share On Purpose, Inc., and now invests in and creates mission-driven start-ups.
In a career that spans more than 25 years, Terri has launched, owned, sold, rebranded or turned around more than 40 companies. She is known for her game-changing business models and personal transformation frameworks.
Everything she built came directly from a wellspring of perseverance and soulful resiliency, which she openly shares through her first purposeful brand, Succeed On Purpose.