What Does Prosperity Look Like for You?

August 3, 2020
Stephanie Renna

What Does Prosperity Look Like for You?

We believe prosperity starts with an inner transformation. The Prosperity Challenge was created to help individuals discover what prosperity means to them, go through that inner transformation, and create what they desire effortlessly and consistently.
Create more success, more joy, more meaning AND more money. Take L.E.A.P. Into Abundance!

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines prosperity as, “the condition of being successful or thriving.” It’s easy to recognize others we believe have prosperity, but it becomes more abstract in our own lives.

What does a prosperous life look like to you? If you don’t have a specific answer to that, it’s difficult to truly comprehend how having the tools to create prosperity can benefit you.

We believe it starts with an inner transformation. Succeed On Purpose’s L.E.A.P. Into Abundance was created to help individuals discover what prosperity means to them, go through that inner transformation, and then create what they desire effortlessly and consistently.

One Prosperity Challenger Describes Her Experience

Kelly Marshall, a financial wellness coach for female entrepreneurs in her business 238 Accounting, recently participated in a small group coaching session of what was previously called the Prosperity Challenge, but is now known as L.E.A.P. Into Abundance.

Each Challenge starts with participants setting a personal or professional goal for the eight-week Challenge period. This goal is the focus of participants as they learn and practice the tools for creating prosperity. Kelly’s goal centered around growing her business. Prior to the Challenge she had been busy with existing clients but hadn’t signed a new client in several months. She set the goal for five new clients and was able to achieve that within six weeks.

Once she accomplished her first goal, she set a second goal focused on a creating a dollar amount rather than a certain number of clients. She reached and exceeded that goal as well. In total, Kelly was able to sign on nine new clients and exceed her financial goal during the eight weeks of the Prosperity Challenge.

Kelly participated in weekly small group coaching sessions with approximately 8 others. “I think the collective energy of all of us doing it together is what made it happen. We were all sitting there doing the work together. To be honest, I didn’t practice it perfectly during the week, but I made it to every call. Even if I wasn’t practicing perfectly every day, I committed to that collective energy.”

In addition to the energy of the group, Kelly attributes her success during the Prosperity Challenge to two things:

  1. Following the process: “Prior to the Challenge I was consistently doing energy work. I was practicing money tracking and setting goals, however, the Prosperity Challenge put many of the things I’d been doing into a repeatable system. It’s a tool I’ve put into my morning routine and will occasionally practice throughout the day.”
  2. Setting a clear goal and sticking with it: “Getting really clear on what I want and not wavering was key. In the past I would jump around and not stick to a particular goal. Being clear on my goal created certainty in what I wanted. If something came up that created uncertainty, I learned to breathe through it, address it and eventually the fear and doubt would go away. Instead of coming at it with nervous energy, I had trust. This allowed me to remain focused and consistent in my goal.”

What does life look like post-challenge?

Kelly continues to practice the tools she learned during the program and continues to see results: “The prosperity didn't end there - money has flowed in from several unexpected places. I won scratch offs that were gifted to me, we received multiple rebate checks, ended up with a huge refund on our taxes, etc. This challenge was truly magical for me. I continue to practice what I learned during the challenge and the money faucet is still turned on!”

Take L.E.A.P. Into Abundance and create prosperity for yourself!

Stephanie Renna has been working with Succeed On Purpose since 2012, and now serves as the brand leader. Her purpose is to bring joy.

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