Face Your Fears
New doors began to open for Doug when he changed his thinking

“I saw Terri Maxwell present and thought she was so far ahead of everyone else in just the way she thinks and how she communicates about the world of work. 

She talked about working for and leaving a big corporation. I decided to take the The Find Your Purpose Program. I learned that we all have a tendency to focus on job postings and say ‘I could do that’, then we change our resume to match the job that we could do but we probably don’t want to do. The Find Your Purpose Program was refreshing because the focus was on what I really wanted to do with my passions and strengths.

I had been in sales for years but what I learned was that the customer service aspect of the selling process was what I enjoyed most. The Find Your Purpose Program helped me gain confidence in my direction and purpose. 

I also took Career Transformation and learned specifics about how to position myself for doors of opportunities to open. I learned to face my fears about working for a smaller company and doing contract work. This was like breaking the mould for me but it continues to help me in opening doors.

I highly recommend The Find Your Purpose Program to gain a perspective on work and life. Defining my purpose made it worth it for me.”

Build Your Business
Janet learned how to grow her coaching business by attracting clients she loves to serve
"Terri's coaching is simple yet profound. If you do the work required with the coaching program—and you definitely have to do the work—you will succeed."
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Build Your Business
Deb booked a speaking engagement and cultivated two new clients.
"Now that I’m clear on what success looks like, I can take concrete steps to get there.”
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Find Your Purpose
Devon's college major was a perfect fit
“The program really gives you an alignment of mind, body and spirit.”
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Build Your Business
Elizabeth increased her business's revenue by 261%.
"It’s simple: commit, follow the method and the answers become obvious and the results inevitable.”
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